Connection string can be placed in web.config file found in root directory of the application from .NET 3.5 onward. connection string can be specified with an xml tag <connectionStrings> inside <configuration> section of web.config file. < connectionStrings > < add name = "myConnectionString" connectionString = "Data Source=databaseServerName; database=database-name; uid=sqlUserName;password=sqlPassword; Integrated Security =True|false|SSPI (any one options) ; " providerName = " System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.SqlClient" /> </ connectionStrings > We can use local database server of SQL Server by using Data Source= (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB we can attach a local database file to the app_data directory by using the property AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\appDatabaseName.mdf in the connection string Connection String can be ...